8  🦸 Trajectory Optimizer

Previously, the majority of flight optimizers mentioned in the literature remained closed-source, which posed a significant drawback in terms of reproducible research.

The trajectory optimizer (TOP) addresses this lack of open-source flight trajectory optimizer by providing everyone with open access to trajectory optimization based on a non-linear optimal control direct collocation approach.

The TOP library can consider 3D or 4D wind fields. It can be utilized in various flight phases, either individually or in combination. It provides traditional fuel and cost index objectives alongside climate metrics-based objectives that incorporate global warming or temperature potential.

Furthermore, I have designed a mechanism to include a complex 4D cost grid in trajectory optimization. This new mechanism allows easy generation of, for example, contrail-optimal trajectories.

8.1 Paper

The optimization framework was first published in my following paper: Sun (2022)

Note that there have been quite many improvements and changes to the software code since the paper was published.

8.2 Install

The opeanp.top library is designed to be a module inside the openap scope. You can install the most recent release thorugh pip:

pip install --upgrade openap-top

This will install openap.top and related dependencies.

Alternatively, if you want to install the most recent development version:

pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/junzis/openap-top

8.3 Quick start

Example code to generate a fuel-optimal flight between two airports. First, we need to set up a few parameters, including origin, destination, actype, and m0 (initial mass).

The initial mass m0 can be the fraction of the maximum take-off mass (between 0 and 1), or it can be the mass in kg (for example, 65000 kg).

from openap import top

actype = "A320"
origin = "EHAM"
destination = "LGAV"

# initial mass, can be 64_000 (kg)
m0 = 66_000

# or the faction of MTOW
m0 = 0.85 

In this simple example, we will generate a complete flight using top.CompleteFlight(). We will generate a fuel-optimal flight by setting objective to "fuel" in the trajectory generation function.

optimizer = top.CompleteFlight(actype, origin, destination, m0=m0)

flight = optimizer.trajectory(objective="fuel")
ts x y h latitude longitude altitude mach tas vertical_rate heading mass fuel
0 0.0 -652425.011796 840651.921723 457.200000 52.316584 4.746242 1500.0 0.3000 197.42 1104.0 129.51 66300.0 327.029760
1 239.0 -633748.745737 825253.297593 1799.430636 52.199826 5.046304 5904.0 0.5000 323.96 1604.0 136.98 65972.0 332.077898
2 479.0 -607070.077329 796660.798968 3749.426799 51.972943 5.483590 12301.0 0.6957 440.29 2104.0 136.98 65647.0 374.607022
3 718.0 -571151.872429 758165.953153 6307.188487 51.664984 6.065383 20693.0 0.7643 468.20 1604.0 136.98 65298.0 321.817319
4 957.0 -532609.236834 716858.409561 8257.184648 51.331405 6.680959 27091.0 0.7985 476.48 1104.0 136.98 64996.0 272.353599

In the previous table, we have the final fuel-optimal trajectory. Next, we can visualize the altitude, speed, and vertical rate.

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# set up the plot styles
matplotlib.rc("font", size=11)
matplotlib.rc("font", family="Ubuntu")
matplotlib.rc("lines", linewidth=2, markersize=8)
matplotlib.rc("grid", color="darkgray", linestyle=":")

# function to make plot nicer
def format_ax(ax):
    ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.1, 1.05)

fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(5, 4), sharex=True)
ax1.plot(flight.ts, flight.altitude)
ax2.plot(flight.ts, flight.tas)
ax3.plot(flight.ts, flight.vertical_rate)
ax1.set_ylim(0, 40000)
ax2.set_ylim(0, 600)
ax3.set_ylim(-3000, 3000)
ax1.set_ylabel("altitude (ft)")
ax2.set_ylabel("true airspeed (kts)")
ax3.set_ylabel("vertical rate (ft/min)")

for ax in (ax1, ax2, ax3):


8.4 Other objective functions

Instead of the default objective functions, you can also specify different objective functions as follows:

# cost index, between 0 - 100
flight = optimizer.trajectory(objective="ci:30")

# global warming potential
flight = optimizer.trajectory(objective="gwp100")

# global temperature potential
flight = optimizer.trajectory(objective="gtp100")

The final flight object is a pandas DataFrame.

8.5 Different flight phases

Instead of generating a complete flight, we can also generate cruise, climb, and descent flights using top.Crusie, top.Climb, and top.Descent classes.

cruise_flight = top.Cruise(actype, origin, destination, m0=m0).trajectory()

climb_flight = top.Climb(actype, origin, destination, m0=m0).trajectory()

descent_flight = top.Descent(actype, origin, destination, m0=m0).trajectory()
CasADi - 2024-09-16 16:23:10 WARNING("solver:nlp_g failed: Inf detected for output g, at (row 663, col 0).") [.../casadi/core/oracle_function.cpp:393]

Let’s visulize these trajectories:

labels = ("cruise flight", "climb flight", "descent flight")

fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=(10, 4))

for i, flight in enumerate([cruise_flight, climb_flight, descent_flight]):
    ax1, ax2, ax3 = axes[:, i]
    ax1.plot(flight.ts, flight.altitude)
    ax2.plot(flight.ts, flight.tas)
    ax3.plot(flight.ts, flight.vertical_rate)
    ax1.set_ylabel("altitude (ft)")
    ax2.set_ylabel("true airspeed (kts)")
    ax3.set_ylabel("vertical rate (ft/min)")
    ax1.set_ylim(0, 40000)
    ax2.set_ylim(0, 600)
    ax3.set_ylim(-3000, 3000)
    ax1.set_title(labels[i], pad=20)

for ax in axes.flatten():


8.6 Optimziation with wind data

It is also possible to include 3D or 4D wind data in the optimization. The code provides an example of such a use case. Note that the wind data is obtained using fastmeteo library in this example.

import fastmeteo
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import openap

import warnings


Next, we need to get an example wind field data using the fastmeteo library. Note the selected ERA5 data will be cached temporarily at /tmp/era5-zarr.

# get the boundary of the wind field
o = openap.nav.airport(origin)
d = openap.nav.airport(destination)

latmin = min(o["lat"], d["lat"]) - 2
latmax = max(o["lat"], d["lat"]) + 2
lonmin = min(o["lon"], d["lon"]) - 2
lonmax = max(o["lon"], d["lon"]) + 2

# create the and flatten the wind grid
latitudes = np.linspace(latmin, latmax, 20)
longitudes = np.linspace(lonmin, lonmax, 20)
altitudes = np.linspace(1000, 45000, 30)
timestamps = pd.date_range("2021-05-01 08:00:00", "2021-05-01 15:00:00", freq="1H")

latitudes, longitudes, altitudes, times = np.meshgrid(
    latitudes, longitudes, altitudes, timestamps

grid = pd.DataFrame().assign(

# obtain the wind based on the grid
fmg = fastmeteo.Grid(local_store="/tmp/era5-zarr")

meteo_data = fmg.interpolate(grid)

Let’s take a look at the meteorological data we got:

latitude longitude altitude timestamp u_component_of_wind v_component_of_wind temperature specific_humidity
0 35.92351 2.7463 1000.0 2021-05-01 08:00:00 2.662002 -0.268155 287.403343 0.007505
1 35.92351 2.7463 1000.0 2021-05-01 09:00:00 2.610650 0.375755 288.403605 0.006770
2 35.92351 2.7463 1000.0 2021-05-01 10:00:00 3.806022 0.308188 289.144232 0.006112
3 35.92351 2.7463 1000.0 2021-05-01 11:00:00 3.865915 -0.590817 290.408359 0.005582
4 35.92351 2.7463 1000.0 2021-05-01 12:00:00 4.224836 -1.288765 291.951893 0.005171

Before passing this wind field to the optimizer, we need to format it correctly. The wind data needs to be in pandas.DataFrame with the following columns: - ts: timestamp in seconds, with 0 representing the time of departure of the flight - latitude: latitude of all the grid points - longitude: longitude of all the grid points - h: height of the grid points, in meters - u: u component of the wind for each grid point, in m/s - v: v component of the wind for each grid point, in m/s

wind = (
            "u_component_of_wind": "u",
            "v_component_of_wind": "v",
    .assign(ts=lambda x: (x.timestamp - x.timestamp.iloc[0]).dt.total_seconds())
    .eval("h=altitude * 0.3048")
)[["ts", "latitude", "longitude", "h", "u", "v"]]

ts latitude longitude h u v
0 0.0 35.92351 2.7463 304.8 2.662002 -0.268155
1 3600.0 35.92351 2.7463 304.8 2.610650 0.375755
2 7200.0 35.92351 2.7463 304.8 3.806022 0.308188
3 10800.0 35.92351 2.7463 304.8 3.865915 -0.590817
4 14400.0 35.92351 2.7463 304.8 4.224836 -1.288765

Last, we can run the optimization with the wind field and visulize the result:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

optimizer = top.CompleteFlight(actype, origin, destination, m0)
flight = optimizer.trajectory(objective="fuel")
