4  🌯 Kinematic models

OpenAP includes a set of kinematic models that describe speeds, vertical rates, altitudes, distance, and other parameters during different phases of a flight. The kinematic model, named WRAP, is constructed based on the method from the paper: Sun et al. (2019)

4.1 Parametric models

Following is a list of functions that can be used to access parameters at different phases of flight, for example, flight type code A320:

from openap.kinematic import WRAP

wrap = WRAP(ac="A320")

params = wrap.takeoff_speed()
params = wrap.takeoff_distance()
params = wrap.takeoff_acceleration()
params = wrap.initclimb_vcas()
params = wrap.initclimb_vs()
params = wrap.climb_range()
params = wrap.climb_const_vcas()
params = wrap.climb_const_mach()
params = wrap.climb_cross_alt_concas()
params = wrap.climb_cross_alt_conmach()
params = wrap.climb_vs_pre_concas()
params = wrap.climb_vs_concas()
params = wrap.climb_vs_conmach()
params = wrap.cruise_range()
params = wrap.cruise_alt()
params = wrap.cruise_init_alt()
params = wrap.cruise_mach()
params = wrap.descent_range()
params = wrap.descent_const_mach()
params = wrap.descent_const_vcas()
params = wrap.descent_cross_alt_conmach()
params = wrap.descent_cross_alt_concas()
params = wrap.descent_vs_conmach()
params = wrap.descent_vs_concas()
params = wrap.descent_vs_post_concas()
params = wrap.finalapp_vcas()
params = wrap.finalapp_vs()
params = wrap.landing_speed()
params = wrap.landing_distance()
params = wrap.landing_acceleration()

4.2 Example, normal distribution

Let’s take an example of the take-off distance, which is obtained using the takeoff_distance() function:

{'default': 1.65,
 'minimum': 1.06,
 'maximum': 2.24,
 'statmodel': 'norm',
 'statmodel_params': [1.65, 0.36]}

Here, we can see that the mean (default) value is 1.65 km, while the minimum and maximum take-off distances are 1.06 km and 2.24 km. The parameter can be described with a normal distribution, with a mean of 1.65 and a standard deviation of 0.36.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import stats

params = wrap.takeoff_distance()

mean, std = params["statmodel_params"]

x = np.linspace(params["minimum"], params["maximum"], 100)
y = stats.norm.pdf(x, mean, std)

plt.figure(figsize=(4, 1.5))
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.fill_between(x, 0, y, alpha=0.2)
plt.xlabel("take-off distance (km)")

4.3 Example, other distributions

We can take another example where the distribution is not a normal distribution, such as Mach number during the cruise:

params = wrap.cruise_mach()

x = np.linspace(params["minimum"], params["maximum"], 100)

model_class = getattr(stats, params["statmodel"])
model = model_class(*params["statmodel_params"])

y = model.pdf(x)

plt.figure(figsize=(4, 1.5))
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.fill_between(x, 0, y, alpha=0.2)
plt.xlabel("curise Mach number")
{'default': 0.78,
 'minimum': 0.75,
 'maximum': 0.8,
 'statmodel': 'beta',
 'statmodel_params': [17.82, 5.05, 0.62, 0.2]}

The plot shows a bete distribution. However, in this example code, we do not need to specify how the model should be constructed. The following code does the trick:

model_class = getattr(stats, params["statmodel"])
model = model_class(*params["statmodel_params"])

With this code, we can automatically generate a parametric model using parameters from the wrap.cruise_mach() function.

4.4 Units

The units of kinematic models are all in SI units, hence:

  • distance: in km
  • altitude: in km
  • speed: in m/s
  • acceleration: in m^2/s